Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or health professional, and this post is not medical advice but for entertainment purposes only. Before trying anything new or changing your diet, consult a doctor. So what is intermittent fasting (IF)? Intermittent fasting is the new "diet" craze that seems to be...
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Welcome to Not Your Parents’ Financial Guy! A personal finance online resource that helps people get the most out of life and their money by following nontraditional advice.
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I’m not your parents’ typical financial guy and won’t give you the same advice you’re used to hearing.
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Current Location: Chicago
This page may contain affiliate links: Please read my disclosure for more info. Why Most People Struggle With Saving and Building Wealth Given that their are thousands upon thousands (maybe even millions?) of personal finances blogs on the internet, and endless amount of books written about saving money and...
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This page may contain affiliate links: Please read my disclosure for more info. It Happens to All of Us We all care about what other people think about us. We all want to impress our significant other's parents, or maybe we want our manager at our job to see...
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