The Most Important Thing Money Can Buy As a society, we tend to see money as a way to buy things, experiences or services. Having more money means that we can buy more or buy better. You can buy a house, a car, a fancy vacation or a pay someone...
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Welcome to Not Your Parents’ Financial Guy! A personal finance online resource that helps people get the most out of life and their money by following nontraditional advice.
Want to know how to create a monthly savings plan and stick to it using one simple tactic?
Interested in learning about 21st-century investment options?
Want to learn how to save enough money and take 6-12 months off work to travel the world on a mini-retirement?
I’m not your parents’ typical financial guy and won’t give you the same advice you’re used to hearing.
If you are new to the site, start here to jump to the first blog post to learn what this site is all about, and you can also sign up for the Free 5-Day Money Course, which will give you the basics on how to use your finances to create your best life possible!
Current Location: Chicago
In my last post, I discussed what financial independence (a.k.a financial freedom or early retirement) is, and why it's something that many people should strive for, even if they have never really taken it seriously or they enjoy their jobs. In this post, we'll break down the numbers on how...
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Ditching the 9-5 Life We've all had jobs before that we don't enjoy. The early-morning alarms, long commutes, micromanaging bosses, endless meetings and office gossip, all just to collect a paycheck and fund our lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with hard work and pursuing a career you enjoy, however, it...
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